What you eat affects both your oral and overall health. The selection of food and drinks to partake in impacts your teeth and gums. When you decide to eat sugary and starchy foods. You are creating a thriving environment for bacteria to grow in your mouth. The bacteria present in your gums may lead to gum disease and tooth decay. Here are some foods you should avoid to protect your gums.
Soft Bread and Starches
Starchy foods such as chips and soft bread easily get stuck in your teeth. Bread can be easily broken down to sugar and when left stuck in your teeth it can easily be turned to plaque with the help of bacteria. The plaque develops to tar-tar which is critical in forming gum disease and cavities.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits such as oranges and lemon are full of vitamin C that is very healthy for your health. However, these fruits have a detrimental impact on your tooth enamel. It is important for you to ensure you rinse your mouth after eating citrus fruits to reduce the acidity level in your mouth.
Sticky Sweets
If you have to enjoy candy or sweets ensure you take those that clear easily from your mouth. Sweets such as caramels and lollipops have refined sugar and stick in parts of your mouth. They can easily cause cavities and gum diseases.
Carbonated Soda and Sport Drinks
Sodas are among the main sources of added sugar among children and adults. They have a high amount of sugar. Besides, when you take soda they have citric and phosphoric acid which tears away from your tooth enamel.
It is important to note that you may think sports drinks are a healthier option compared to sodas. However, sports drinks also have high sugar and acid amounts that are bad for your oral health. You should make sure you brush your teeth after taking sodas and sports drinks. To more about how to protect your gums, please contact us today!
Esthetic Smiles - Dr. John Abajian, DDS, 1901 N. Solar Dr. Suite 135, Oxnard, CA 93036 - 805-365-4222 - myestheticsmile.com - 9/13/2024 - Key Phrases: dentist Oxnard CA -