Do you have bad dental habits? Many of us have at least one bad dental habit, such as biting off a thread from a shirt or opening a bottle with our teeth. Here are some good reasons why you should get rid of your bad dental habits to take better care of your teeth and gums.
Brush and Floss Twice a Day Every Day
The American Dental Association noted that less than 50 percent of adults brush and floss twice a day. If you do not do anything else to take care of your teeth, you should be sure to brush and floss them. Be sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and select a toothpaste that will help fight cavities and gum disease. If you do not like to floss, consider a water flosser that uses streams of water to get out plaque and particles. If you brush and floss twice a day each day, you will substantially decrease the chances you will have dental caries or gum disease.
Do Not Use Your Mouth as a Tool
It is a bad idea to use your teeth as a tool. You may damage your teeth and gums so severely that you may need gum grafts or even tooth replacement using dental implants. One missing or injured tooth can have repercussions throughout your mouth and your jawbones.
Wear Guards
Over 20 percent of all traumatic injuries occur in the area of your face or mouth. If you play a recreational sport, such as basketball or baseball, you may want to invest in a sports guard, especially if you play a contact sport. Many adults do not like to wear mouthguards because they look unsightly, but they are effective at keeping your teeth and gums injury-free.
If you think some of your teeth may need a little repair, it is time to give us a call. That way, we can make an appointment for you with our dentist.
Esthetic Smiles - Dr. John Abajian, DDS, 1901 N. Solar Dr. Suite 135, Oxnard, CA 93036 + 805-365-4222 + + 9/8/2024 + Page Phrases: dentist Oxnard CA +